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14 Vitamin D Rich Foods To Load Up On During The Winter [+ Recipe Ideas!]

In the chilly winter months, getting enough vitamin D can be challenging because there's not much sun around to provide it.

But adequate vitamin D levels is crucial for both mental and physical health.

That's why loading up on vitamin D rich foods during the less sunny months is important for feeling your best.

Today I'm sharing 14 vitamin D rich foods to load up on throughout the winter.

vitamin d rich foods

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. We mainly get it from the sun, but during certain times of the year that's not really an option. Fog, length of day, time of year, clouds, smog and windows can all block or reduce our body's ability to absorb vitamin D from the sun.

Even during the summer months when sun is plentiful, common items like hats and sunscreen can also block our vitamin D absorption.

Vitamin D comes in two forms: D3 and D2.

Vitamin D3 is the active form. When we eat foods that contain vitamin D3, our body is able to directly use more of it. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, is the inactive form. Our body has to first convert vitamin D2 into vitamin D3 to use it and therefore can't use it as efficiently.

Ideally, we want most of our vitamin D to come in the form of D3 to actually raise our blood levels and reap the benefits.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms and Risks

A simple blood test can help you determine your vitamin D levels (and is probably a good thing to check in on, too!).

A "low" serum vitamin D level is less than 30 nmol/l (12 ng/mL).

Inadequate serum vitamin D level is between 30-50 nmol/L (12-20 ng/mL).

A "healthy" serum vitamin D level is greater than 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL).

Deficiency in vitamin D can lead to serious consequences, such as increased risk of osteoporosis, anxiety, depression (hello seasonal affective disorder) and possibly even some cancers.

If your doctor determines that you are low or considered to have inadequate serum vitamin D levels, he or she will likely recommend a strong vitamin D3 supplement to help counter that. These supplements should be discussed with your healthcare provider to ensure it's the proper dosage for your needs.

To help maintain your vitamin D levels in the healthy range you can load up on vitamin D rich foods during the winter while ensuring you get plenty of sunlight during the sunnier, summer days.

The Foods Highest In Vitamin D

Below are the foods that are the highest in vitamin D. Interestingly, the list is fairly short because not a lot of foods actually contain vitamin D. Most of the foods on this list are naturally occurring, however some are added to the food in the form of fortification. Ideally, it's best to get most of your vitamin D from natural, whole food sources, however some fortified foods and supplements can help to fill the gaps in your vitamin D needs.


Just four ounces of trout provides roughly 215% of your daily vitamin D3 needs. As you're about to see, most of the best sources of vitamin D3 come from some form of fatty fish, however there are also a few non-fish resources, too.

Try grilling up some fresh trout to pair with your favorite roasted veggies.

autumn bates weeknighter tray bake recipe


A four ounce serving of salmon comes in at nearly 100% of your daily vitamin D3 needs. I like making a simple and delicious tray bake using salmon, brussels sprouts and a yummy vinaigrette.

You can find the recipe in our 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program HERE.


Four ounces of tuna can make a serious dent in your vitamin D3 with a whopping 64% of your daily needs.

I like making tuna salad with the canned tuna brand called Safe Catch. It's tested for mercury and considered the lowest mercury brand on the market.

autumn bates tuna salad


Another fatty fish! Four ounces provides you 130% of your daily needs.


Love them or hate them, these little fishies give you 32% of your daily vitamin D3 needs in a four ounce serving.

What better way to have anchovies than in a traditional caesar salad?! Add them to the dressing and throw in a few filets to your salad, too.


Sardines come in a bit higher than anchovies with 52% of your daily vitamin D3 needs in a four ounce serving.

Whip up a classic Pasta Puttanesca which relies on sardines as one of the main ingredients. Working toward a weight loss goal? Swap out the pasta for lentil or chickpea based pasta for a lower glycemic load alternative.

pasta recipe


I've personally never tried herring, but it's loaded with vitamin D3 with 182% of your daily needs.

Cod Liver Oil

Technically this is a supplement, but it's more of a "whole food" supplement. Just 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil provides 112% of your daily needs. Make sure to take it with a meal for best results.

Beef Liver

Beef liver is shockingly high in a lot of nutrients, although it's not crazy high in vitamin D3. Four ounces provides you about 14% of your daily needs. Some brands make organ meat and ground beef blends to help you sneak liver into your diet if you aren't a fan.

Try finely dicing liver and adding it to your favorite chili recipe. All the flavor of chili helps to hide the strong flavor of beef liver.

chili recipe

Egg Yolks

Your daily breakfast of 3 whole eggs can provide you 24% of your vitamin D needs. Just make sure to use the whole egg and not just the white. All of the vitamin D is found in the yolk.

Try our delicious Bacon and Sundried Tomato Egg Bites HERE.

egg bites recipe


The amount of vitamin D you can get from cheese varies a lot, but still don't expect to get your daily needs covered with it. On the higher end, you can expect about 2% of your daily vitamin D needs in a 1.5 ounce serving of cheese.


Not all mushrooms contain vitamin D, only those that have been grown with ultraviolet lights. The form of vitamin D you get from mushrooms is from the less bioavailable vitamin D2, however it's still pretty impressive.

One cup of mushrooms grown with ultraviolet light have over 100% of your vitamin D needs covered in the form of D2.

Try sautéing a cup of mushrooms in butter and salt and top it on your favorite burger. Add a slice of melted swiss cheese on there, throw in an iceburg lettuce bun, and you have yourself an absolutely delicious meal.

Fortified Dairy Milk

Cows milk is often fortified with vitamin D to help combat low levels. One cup of vitamin D added milk has around 31% of your daily needs.

When I think milk, my next instant thought is latte! Warm up during the cold weather with a hot, whole milk latte.


Fortified Plant-Based Milks

Some plant-based milks also fortify their products with a variety of nutrients, including vitamin D. One cup of fortified plant-based milk often provides about 15% of your daily needs.

Try some fortified unsweetened almond milk as the base of a warm smoothie, like our Warming Mocha Smoothie Bowl.

warm smoothie bowl recipe

Grab Autumn's Protein Powder HERE and start whipping up delish, protein-packed meals!😋



chocolate chip protein pancake bar

Autumn Elle Nutrition


vitamin d rich foods

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