Remember that time I went to New York and overindulged, got terrible sleep and felt BLEH by the time I got back as a result? Well in that moment of feeling terrible was when I decided that an Impromptu Intermittent Fasting Challenge was in order!
Three to four times a year, I hold an Intermittent Fasting Challenge using The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle so that #AENpeeps all around the world (including me!) can hold each other accountable to feeling GOOD again.
For this Impromptu Intermittent Fasting Challenge, I partnered up with my FAVORITE coffee brand, Purity, to provide one of the Challenge participants with a 5 POUND BAG OF ORGANIC, MOLD-FREE COFFEE!!!
Andddd today, I'm announcing that winner!! Thank you to everyone who submitted their inspiring stories. Reading all of your experiences of how your lives have changed for the better makes my heart swell! THIS is why I do what I do! I know how terrible it feels to feel terrible and I want YOU to feel good again!
Now... without further ado... your grand prize winner!*
Meet ELLIE!!🎉🎉🎉
Tell us about yourself!!
I’m a fitness and nutrition loving mama to two beautiful little girls. After having my youngest daughter two years ago I suffered from postpartum depression and lost my passion and myself. I tried different programs, plans, and medications with little success.
Ellie's Breaking Point
I eventually came to a breaking point and went to my Dr for help after struggling for over 2 years. They did some lab work and determine I was severely deficient in vitamin D and iron as well as a hormone in balance. They sent me off with some prescriptions and told me to return later on for more lab work.
Energy She Hasn't Felt in YEARS
Since previously being out on medication with little to no help I was on a mission to find a way to heal my body naturally. I soon stumbled upon Autumns youtube and Instagram page and reached out to her. She suggested to try the 21 day IF and then move into her hormone balancing IF program. By day 3 I was worlds different! I had energy I hadn’t felt in years I wasn’t craving carb rich food and I was sleeping throughout the night.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
This experience gave me life again!
Congratulations Ellie!! Ellie will be receiving a 5 pound bag of Purity Coffee to make ALLLLL her morning Ket Coffee dreams come true!
You don't have to wait for the next Challenge to start feeling GOOD again (like Ellie!!)! Increase your energy levels, turn on fat burning mechanisms and heal your gut TODAY with The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!
Make delicious, simple recipes like LA Street Tacos, Burrito Bowls, Peanut Butter + Chocolate Chip Cookies, Blueberry Hemp Smoothies and MORE with the 100+ recipes included in The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!
You'll also gain access to 7 weeks of meal-by-meal guidance, restaurant guidance, 3 week workout plan tailored to Intermittent Fasting and ALL the science-y deets you need to feel empowered in your choices!
Get started HERE!
Your Nutritionist,

Autumn Elle Nutrition
*The grand prize winner was chosen at random from the submission stories.