Today, I'm sharing Kate's Intermittent Fasting story and how she was able to break through her weight loss plateau, lose 6 more pounds in 4 weeks WHILE eating meals that she loves!😋
Kate's story is an inspiration to anyone struggling with a weight loss plateau and feeling stuck. You CAN eat delicious meals, incorporate a balanced Intermittent Fasting schedule and break through a weight loss plateau. You've got this!!
"If it wasn’t for IF and Autumn’s delicious recipes I don’t know if I would have succeeded. In the last 30 days and since the start of the fall challenge I broke through my plateau and lost 6 stubborn pounds!"
Scroll down to read Kate's Intermittent Fasting story!

Tell us about yourself!
I turned 50 this year and decided to make this MY YEAR to finally achieve my wellness goal. But within two months I started to struggle breaking that plateau and lose those dreaded last 10 pounds. If it wasn’t for IF and Autumn’s delicious recipes I don’t know if I would have succeeded. In the last 30 days and since the start of the fall challenge I broke through my plateau and lost 6 stubborn pounds! Now I have the confidence to set more goals for myself. Thanks Autumn!
Which programs were you using?
Have you tried anything else in the past?
What was your main wellness goal with the Intermittent Fasting Program?
Break my plateau with IF
What was your favorite recipe?
Peanut butter smoothies
What's the biggest change you've experienced?
I am continuing my wellness journey with IF and found a rewarding FB community.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
I have lost 26.5 pounds since starting my wellness journey. Second picture sent.
Join thousands of men and women around the world (like Kate!) and start feeling GOOD again with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!
Intermittent Fasting tips, schedules, meal plans, recipes, workouts and MORE to help you succeed!
Head over HERE to get started!
❤️ Autumn

Autumn Elle Nutrition