As many of you and the #AENpeeps might have seen on my Instagram stories from this weekend - I was in New York... and I definitely indulged. This level of indulgence for me is pretty rare as of late, but now I'm FEELING the negative side effects. Hello brain fog, low energy, sore throat, increased bloating and overall just feeling BLEH.
As a result, I've decided that it's high time for another Intermittent Fasting Challenge (because I need it too). I'm READY to feel GOOD again. Can anyone else relate?
Need some inspo? Check out the most recent Intermittent Fasting Challenge winners stories HERE.
The AENpeeps following The 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program have reported:
~decreased bloating
~clear skin
~weight loss AND fat loss
~increased lean muscle production
~increased energy levels
~more restful, deep sleep
~more stable moods and increased feelings of happiness
~increased breast milk production
~decreased anxiety
~less sugar cravings
~more food freedom
~and SO much more!
Are you ready to feel GOOD again?! Click the button below to grab your Program and get started!
What are the Challenge deets?
The Challenge is 3 weeks long and begins on Monday, April 8. You will be utilizing the proper Nutrient Timing and Intermittent Fasting principles with the 3 week meal-by-meal guide in The Ultimate 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program. If you have already completed 1-2 rounds of the 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program, you can hone more specifically in to your goals and utilize The Level Up Guide.
At the end of the 3 weeks, you will submit your Intermittent Fasting Challenge story HERE in order to inspire thousands of people around the world AND be entered for the Grand Prize (which will be selected randomly).

For this Challenge, one Grand Prize winner will be receiving a FIVE POUND bag of the ONLY coffee I drink ~ Purity! Purity is organic and mold-free. It is literally the only coffee you will find in my house. You can get the details of why it's the ONLY brand I recommend with THIS article.
How do you join the Challenge?!
1. Grab your Intermittent Fasting Program HERE. OR you can get the Level Up Program, 7 Day Intermittent Fasting Detox, THRIVING Cookbook AND The 21 Day IF Program for $20 off with The Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle HERE.
2. Share the photo below on your Instagram along with your "what if" wellness dream. What are your goals and aspirations? What are you wellness dreams? Share them with the photo below and make sure to tag @autumnelle_nutrition, #AENpeeps and #whatifjourney so that I can follow your journey! Putting your goals out into the universe helps those goals to become a reality! Feel free to checkout my "what if" post on Instagram too!
3. Join the Autumn Elle Nutrition private Facebook group to chat with others who are participating in the Challenge! This is a great space to connect with others who are doing the Program as well ~ share your experiences, what has worked well for you, questions you may have, inspiring stories... or even just to say hello! :)
4. Read through the Program before you get started! This is crucial so that you understand what you'll be doing and why. The why is just as important as the actual Program itself. You'll even learn ways to personalize the Program to fit your individual goals, whether it be weight loss, gut healing, muscle toning, or general wellness!
5. Keep track of your progress with the Daily Fasting Journal in the Program! This is essential to help you learn more about how your body responds to foods and to keep track of your progress.
6. At the end of the 3 weeks, take your "after" photo and submit your experience! Not only will you inspire thousands of men and women around the world to live their healthiest lives ~ you'll also be entered into a drawing where one winner will be receiving the Grand Prize (TBA! Keep your eyes peeled on Instagram for deets!!)
7. Enjoy the process!! This is an amazing time to learn more about your body and how it heals! Anything you experience, whether it be decreased bloating, increased energy, better sleep - ask yourself why you feel this way. This helps to train yourself to better understand your body and what it needs!
What does the Challenge include?
~The Ultimate 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Program with ways to customize the Program to fit your individual goals
~3 week meal-by-meal guide
~Delicious recipes (helloooo LA Street Tacos, Pumpkin Chili, Chocolate Bomb Bites and Superfood Pancakes!!)
~3 week workout Program that pairs perfectly with your Intermittent Fasting Program 💪🏻
~Printable Daily Fasting Journal within the Program to track your progress
~Science-backed details on proper Nutrition Timing to optimize fat burning and hormone balance WITHOUT counting calories!!
~Weekly emails with tips and the latest research
~Access to the private Autumn Elle Nutrition Facebook group for motivation from others participating in the Challenge! (see more below)
What's the meaning behind "What IF Journey"
Something I've found with working with clients all around the world, is that many people don't even dare to dream of achieving ALL of their wellness goals. Many of us have grown accustomed to poor sleep, low energy, acid reflux, anxiety, nervousness or bloating - and we've forgotten what it feels like without experiencing all of those things.
What I want you to do with this #WhatIFjourney is think about ALL of what you would like to achieve... and don't hold back! No matter how far-fetched it may seem, I want you to set those goals. You'll be surprised by what your body can do for you when you give it the proper tools!
For example, Kitty (an OG #AENpeeps) dared to dream of achieving normal thyroid levels and reducing/removing her GERD. And guess what? After a few rounds of utilizing the healing principles within the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle, her doctor told her that her thyroid levels are in normal range!!!! (Check out Kitty's full, inspiring story HERE.)
All wellness goals are equally as important. Remember, your body wants to get to a state of health and balance. All we have to do is give it the tools in order to achieve that.
I'm SO excited to start the #WhatIFjourney Challenge with you on Monday, April 8!!! Don't forget to grab your Program HERE and read through ALL the science-y deets before we get started!!🤓
Your Nutritionist,
P.S. Have questions about Intermittent Fasting? Head over HERE for a complete Intermittent Fasting Q+A!

Autumn Elle Nutrition