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Writer's pictureAutumn Bates, CCN, MS, BS, CPT

How Candice Lost Over 20 Pounds AND Is Healing Her Gut With Intermittent Fasting

Updated: Sep 5, 2021

Sharing AENpeeps wellness wins and stories is the best part of my day! Seeing so many men and women FINALLY feeling good again is what inspires me to do what I do. Today, I'm sharing an amazing story of gut healing, nutrition clarity and weight loss. Meet Candice ❤️

"There was no good reason that I was gaining weight. I tried the fit bit and making sure I got the 10,000 steps. I tried calorie counting. I didn't eat a lot. But things just seemed to get worse no matter what... Finally a friend added me to Autumn Elle Nutrition and life has been getting better every day! I started at 146 lbs and am now down below 125. Yay!!"

Checkout Candice's inspiring Intermittent Fasting story below!

intermittent fasting weight loss results

Tell us about yourself!

I am a female in my early 40s and I have been struggling with weight and stomach issues for years. 7 years ago I got c-difficile from antibiotics and did not treat it for over 2 weeks. A lot of damage was done and it has been an uphill climb from there.

Life decided to teach me that my body requires TLC that I did not know before. I tried so many things in the last 6 years - the first year was just a struggle to find foods I could digest. After that I went to a naturopath and she had me eaing for my blood type. Later I went to a dietician and she was at a loss.

More and more foods started to become a problem to eat since my stomach would react badly. Food was becoming and enemy and not as enjoyable anymore. I tried other expensive supplement programs and while they helped they were not sustainable.

Finally a friend added me to Autumn Elle Nutrition and life has been getting better every day! I started at 146 lbs and am now down below 125. Yay!! My "ideal" weight is 115 so I have some room to go, but I feel the success already. I am going to do the gut protocol a few times and am hoping that one day foods won't be an enemy but will be a friend again. Thank you Autumn!!

intermittent fasting weight loss results

What was your main wellness goal with the Intermittent Fasting programs?

Lose weight to reduce high blood pressure and other medical concerns.

Have you tried anything else in the past?

Everything! I eat ridiculously healthy since my stomach doesn't allow me to eat wheat, eggs, potatoes or sugar. There was no good reason that I was gaining weight. I tried the fit bit and making sure I got the 10,000 steps. I tried calorie counting. I didn't eat a lot. But things just seemed to get worse no matter what. I was becoming desperate for answers and my doctor didn't know what to tell me.

Did you have any hesitations before getting started with the Intermittent Fasting Programs?

I had blood sugar issues so going 16 hours without food seemed impossible. After a few days it was just fine and my blood sugars are not an issue at all.

What's the biggest wellness win you've experienced?

My stomach. It doesn't hurt very often anymore. I was diagnosed with IBS but I knew it was something more. With the fasting my bloating is pretty much gone and my gut health is slowly improving. I dont expect it to heal up over night because it took a long time of bad habits for my stomach to retaliate so strongly. Its great to know I found a way to heal!

What was your favorite recipe from the Intermittent Fasting Programs?

Detox broccoli soup so far. I have a lot more to try yet.

intermittent fasting weight loss results

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Enjoy the journey. Like Autumn says this is a lifestyle so get to know the foods and what foods are good for you but don't forget to enjoy a weekend baileys or bevy on occasion. Cheers!

Join thousands of men and women (like Candice!) around the world and start feeling GOOD again with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle Programs!

Head over HERE to get started!

Your Nutritionist,


intermittent fasting weight loss results

Autumn Elle Nutrition

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