This year, AENpeeps around the world kicked off the 2021 with the New Year Intermittent Fasting Challenge. Thousands of AENpeeps prioritized feeling GOOD again by eating meals they LOVED, allowing their GI tract to rest with Intermittent Fasting and boosting fat burning mechanisms. I'm so proud of each and every one of you for taking the steps to feel GOOD and achieve your wellness goals these last four weeks!
One randomly selected AENpeep will be receiving a whole BOAT LOAD of mold-free Purity Coffee goodness for alllll those Keto Coffee cheers!
And now drum roll please...
Congratulations to Jeannette!!!🎉🎉🎉
"When I did my 1st detox I was hooked and now I'm down 29lbs. I sleep so good, feel happy and my energy is amazing... I feel clarity if that makes sense. IF, nutrient timing has changed my life. After the New Year challenge I realized this is a lifestyle for me."
Check out her inspiring story below!
Tell us about yourself!
Last summer was my rock bottle at 167lbs on my 5’4” body was more than I could handle. I felt tired all the time, I even some up tired. My knees were killing me and my hands and feet felt sore and swollen in the morning. I felt sad and depressed that at 55 years old I did not have the energy to do anything. The worst was not getting enough sleep throughout the night waking up several times. To make things worst I felt that what I was eating didn't merit all this weight gain. I was not perfect but ate well and never overate.
I was ready to try something new and I remembered my son having great results with IF and how much energy he felt at the time. After talking to him I decided to pick a date and just make little changes. I started educating myself, on everything IF from many different sources and then I came across Autumn’s YouTube video and I binged watched and within a week of just using the breakfast guidelines I started to feel better.
When I did my 1st detox I was hooked and now I'm down 29lbs. I sleep so good, feel happy and my energy is amazing.
Which Program did you use?
After detox I followed the 21 intermediate fasting program.
Have you tried anything else in the past?
Calorie restrictions, counting points, and juicing to name a few.
What was your main wellness goal?
To feel energized, sleep well and start a lifestyle.
What's the biggest wellness win you experienced?
So many but it I have to name one is sleeping throughout the night is a big win to me.
What was your favorite meal with the Programs?
This is a hard one because I have not made anything I didn't like. I am super crazy about the smoothies and I have one every day, I even made a binder with just the smoothies recipes :-) if I have to pick one ill choose my 1st dinner after the 7-day detox was the Pumpkin Chili Goodness.
Did you have a Nutrition Nerd moment?
Not sure really but when I'm making my own traditional Puertorican recipes I look for an alternative. I made yellow cauliflower rice that I'm so proud of. I will have to share it with the group sometime.
Keto coffee or keto tea?!
Keto coffee and I only buy Purity coffee. Yumm!
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I feel clarity if that makes sense. IF, nutrient timing has changed my life. After the New Year challenge I realized this is a lifestyle for me.
Join thousands of men and women (like Jeannette!) around the world and start feeling GOOD again with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle Programs!
Head over HERE to get started!
Your Nutritionist,

Autumn Elle Nutrition