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This Post-Menopausal Woman Lost 12 Pounds In One Month [No Fad Diets or Tracking!]

This community kicked off 2024 with a wellness BANG.

As a group, we prioritized protein, nourished our bodies with satiating foods and helped our body tap into fat burning mechanisms. Not to mention the 19,000+ AEN Community members in the private Facebook group cheering one another along!

Congrats to YOU for completing the New Year Intermittent Fasting Challenge and putting your health and wellness first ❤️

But of course... we can't forget about the Grand Prize!!

This Challenge we have SO MANY incredible wellness goodies from my favorite brands ~ including my protein powder :)

One randomly selected Challenge participant Grand Prize winner will receive:

Congratulations to Dione!!!🎉🎉🎉

"My husband is doing it with me and together we have lost 25 pounds! He lost 13 and I have lost 12 so far...I feel like it is a best keep secret. "

autumn bates review

Tell us about yourself!

I have struggled with weight ever since giving birth to my first child in 1988. I have tried everything! Every fad diet, some success with Weight Watchers, and even sumaglutide. Nothing has been sustainable or satisfying. Now I am post menopausal and extra weight has found me.

I’m tired of tracking everything I eat and drink. I’m tired of feeling blah. I’m tired of my clothes fitting tight. I’m tired of being tired.

I stumbled across AEN YT channel and started listening in October 2022. I took the plunge and bought all the download and committed to start in January 2024. My husband is doing it with me and together we have lost 25 pounds! He lost 13 and I have lost 12 so far!

We have found it easy, understandable and very satisfying. We feel like we are understanding the actual science of nutrition and how to fuel our bodies properly. I wished I would have found you decades ago! Of course, you were probably just a baby though! Thank you Autumn!

autumn bates intermittent fasting program

Which Intermittent Fasting Program did you follow?

We did the 7 day sugar detox, then on to the 21 day IF. We will continue with the IF and then move to level up!

Did you try anything else in the past?

WeightWatchers, South Beach Diet, Sumaglutide injections, every fad diet out there.

What was your main wellness goal?

Lose weight, feel better, and have my clothes fit better.

autumn bates intermittent fasting program review

Did you have any hesitations before starting the Intermittent Fasting Program?

No. I was ready! I was tired of no progress and saw the progress in the testimonials.

What has been your biggest wellness win with the Intermittent Fasting Program?

Not feeling deprived and understanding the science (nerdy) stuff behind fueling our bodies.

autumn bates detox soup

What was your favorite recipe from the Intermittent Fasting Program?

Oh that’s hard!! We loved the tajini chicken, the Sando, and were very surprised by the detox soup!

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Just that I have been telling everyone! I feel like it is a best keep secret. I’m always pointing people at my gym (OrangeTheory) about your videos.

Unlock the Intermittent Fasting tips, meal plans and recipes that have helped thousands of men and women (like Dione!) around the world with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle!

100+ recipes, 8 weeks of meal planning, science-backed Intermittent Fasting tips and so much more!

Head over HERE to get started!

❤️ Autumn

Autumn Elle Nutrition

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